Virtual 1:1 Program

The Remedy

This 4-week virtual program is designed for women to create a deeper bond with their bodies, hormone health & lunar cycles. Herbal remedies, primal nutrition plans, and lifestyle practices are customized to you & 100% personalized to your goals. 

  • Alexandria will guide you through relearning your health and sources of imbalance. After determining the root cause from an energetic standpoint, we will begin a customized protocol to rebalance and nourish the body. At the end of your journey, you will have a firm understanding of why your body operates the way it does and what conscious decisions you can make to reclaim your health, be friendly with your cycle, and have the ability and resources to make medicine in the comfort of your own home. Investing in this program gives you a second chance at health by learning how food and energetics are key components to longevity and a fulfilled life

  • 4 weeks

    We meet once a week for 2-hour sessions

  • $1200

Group Program

Freedom to Fertility

Gain support from other women looking to conceive naturally in this 4-week group program. Freedom to fertility is designed for you to learn your cycle, grasp fertility, and implement nutrition habits for long-lasting hormone health.

  • Nutrition plans, my broth recipe, a full mocktail recipe book, lessons on mastering your cycle, and support from our community.

  • 4 Weeks. 2-hour in-person meetings per week.

  • $600

Private Ceremony

Kambo - Amazonian Medicine

  • Kambo is a strong warrior vibrational medicine.

    Panema is the phrase associated with Kambo, it means: Removing dark clouds off your aura to bring in good luck. This is perfect for you if plant medicine piques your interest, but you do not know where to start & need to be supported and held through a ceremony.

  • During your ceremony, you're likely to feel pulsing throughout your body, along with intense heat sensations. The medicine releases toxins that are attached to & within your body. Purging and some discomfort are common. After your ceremony, expect to feel lighter, full of energy, and ready to take on the world with a new sense of energy.

    Learn more

  • 2-hour session. The medicinal effect lasts 5-30 minutes

  • $199 - 1 session

    $350 - 3 sessions*

    3 sessions recommended to correlate with one full monthly lunar cycle